HANDS-ON TRAINING IN PLANT IDENTIFICATION AND TAXONOMIC KEYS at the Botany Lab of St. Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur

A comprehensive National level hands-on training program in Plant Identification and Taxonomic Keys was successfully organized on November 25, 2022, at the Botany Lab of St. Thomas College, Thrissur. The day commenced with a silent prayer followed by a welcome address delivered by the program's coordinator, Dr. Joby Paul. The training program was officially inaugurated by Rev. Dr. Martin K A, Principal of St. Thomas College, Thrissur. The inauguration concluded with a vote of thanks expressed by Ms. Sreeshma P S, Research Scholar at the Department of Botany, St. Thomas College.
A total of 39 enthusiastic plant taxonomy aspirants from across Kerala participated in the training program. The day's agenda included a series of informative sessions and practical demonstrations. Ms. Sreeshma PS, Research Scholar at the Department of Botany, kickstarted the session with a captivating talk on "Plant Collection and Field Work". This was followed by a comprehensive lecture delivered by Dr. Joby Paul on "Plant Identification and Taxonomic Keys", accompanied by a detailed demonstration on the construction of plant taxonomic keys. Ms. Athira N J, Research Scholar at the Department of Botany, expertly demonstrated Herbarium techniques and preservation methods. Ms. Sreeshma PS also introduced the participants to the STC Herbarium, providing insights into its significance and organization.
Ms. Aparna Joseph V, Research Scholar, imparted valuable knowledge on "Dissection, Drawing, Floral Diagram and Floral Formula" to the participants. Post lunch, Dr. Joby Paul delivered into the intricate details of Plant Taxonomic Key Preparation, guiding the participants through the process of constructing taxonomic keys for selected plants. Ms. Divya K Venugopal, Research Scholar at the Department of Botany, presented an insightful talk on "Botanical literature and New Species Discoveries", highlighting the importance of these resources in plant taxonomy.
Dr. Joby Paul further demonstrated the practical application of Floras and Revisions to the participants. The program concluded at 4:30 pm with a valedictory function, where certificates were distributed to the participants in recognition of their successful completion of the training program. The hands-on training provided a valuable learning experience for aspiring plant taxonomists, equipping them with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively identify and classify plants using taxonomic keys
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