One day hands-on training on: Al-powered Research: A Workshop on Cutting-edge Tools @ St. Berchmans College (Autonomous) Changanassery

Internal Quality Assurance Cell of St. Berchmans College (Autonomous) Changanassery organises a one day hands-on training on: Al-powered Research: A Workshop on Cutting-edge Tools 0n 2 December 2023 (Saturday) at Cardinal Padiyara Hall. The Resource Person is Mr Jasimudeen S. Librarian, St. Stephen's College Uzhavoor.

Points to remember

•As it is a hands on training, only 30 persons who register first will get a chance to participate in the programme.

•Time - 9.30 am to 3.30 pm

•Registration fee Rs 250.

•Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

Bring laptop and net setter for the practical sessions.
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