The P G Department of Commerce, St. Thomas College Ranny presents AWARENESS CAMP AND COMMERCE QUIZ as the part of INTERNATIONAL DAY OF BANKING on 4TH DEC 2023.

On December 4, 2023. Post Graduate Department of Commerce of St. Thomas College Ranny, is planning an extension program to enhance banking awareness among students. 

The event will involve our college students visiting Higher Secondary Schools to deliver a banking awareness campaign. The purpose of this initiative is to foster a better understanding of banking practices, aligning with the theme for the International Day of Banks in 2023, which is "Achieve sustainable development goals and improve the global financial architecture."

The programme includes a banking awareness campaign, followed by an objective type examination to test the students' knowledge on commerce. The entire session is expected to last for one hour.

In addition to the banking awareness campaign and examination, we are pleased to announce the inclusion of a Commerce Quiz, which will add an interactive and competitive element to the event. The preliminary round of the Commerce Quiz will be conducted on the same day as the extension programme. Two students from each participating school will be selected based on the highest marks obtained in the objective type examination. 

The selected students will then represent their school in the final round of the Commerce Quiz, which is scheduled to take place at St. Thomas College Ranny in the month of January. This quiz aims to further enhance the students' understanding of commerce-related topics and provide them with a platform to showcase their knowledge.

Click here for the detailed Brochure 

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