PTA Award Ceremony Held at Vimala College, Thrissur

The PTA Award Day, instituted in memory of Dr Sr Sobel, former Principal of the college, was inaugurated by T S Pattabhiraman, Chairman and Managing director, Kalyan Silks in the College Auditorium (12/12/2023). The function, presided over by Dr Sr Beena Jose, Principal, Vimala College, was blessed with an inspiring benedictory address by Dr Fr Paul Poovathingal, Director, Chetana National Institute of Vocology. The programme honoured PhD Awardees, PG level toppers, UG level toppers, students who achieved national and international recognition in various sports items and the best NCC cadet of the year 2022-23. Mr N Hareendran, Vice President, PTA felicitated the winners of various accolades.
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